Right of Way Acquisition
Appraisal of the hypothetical fee simple interest in the subject property, before and after a potential acquisition of a portion of the subject property in conjunction with the proposed Bothell Crossroads Project and the Multiway Boulevard Project, two projects within Bothell’s Downtown Revitalization Plan.
Bothell Crossroads & Multiway Boulevard Projects
Free-standing retail
Site area before acquisition – 84,137 sf
Site area after acquisition – 68,637 sf
For City of Bothell
Link Light Rail Tunnel
Broadway Commercial & MontCap Residentail
Sound Transit, a government agency, is planning the construction and operation of a tunnel, light rail station, and related public transportation facilities. Partial acquisition of underground (tunnel) easements were appraised, as well as complete takings for construction of the Capitol Hill light rail station.
King County
87 commercial parcels
146 residential parcels
Appraisals and litigation support for a government agency
Isthmus Park Feasibility Study
3.5 Blocks of Downtown Real Estate
Appraised for the purpose of providing a preliminary valuation, to assist the City in decisions regarding a possible site for an Isthmus Park. Valued using land and improved sale comparisons, as well as market rent and capitalization rates relative to properties that would be income generating. We incorporated recent zoning changes and heights into the valuation of each parcel, and have considered the highest and best use for each.
Site of proposed
public park
17 parcels